Best in Show.
E-Waste Tips to Make the Most Out of the Dog Days of Summer
Since times of antiquity, people have referred to July and early August as the ‘dog days of summer’. The phrase has roots in an ancient astrological theory that suggests extra heat is created when the sun is in the same region of the sky as Sirius (the Dog Star). Today, the dog days of summer are associated with extreme temperatures that cause even the most rambunctious pups to refrain from barking at the mailman and any other activities that require leaving the shade or a cool patch of flooring.
Businesses also seem to slow down a bit during the dog days of summer, as people swap their collars for t-shirts and hit the coast or other vacation destinations. This brief lull in activity is the perfect time to address mounting maintenance tasks — like the growing collection of broken, obsolete or otherwise unwanted electronics around the office. Keep your business in ‘best in show’ condition with this list of essential e-waste tips to make the most out of the dog days of summer.

Take a Bite Out of Cyber Crime
When improperly disposed of, your e-waste serves as a significant source of risk for your operation. The sensitive data stored on old computers, servers, optical media and other electronic devices that are simply placed in a standard dumpster can be easily accessed by unauthorized users. These data breeches can result in costly regulatory fines, legal action and damage to your business reputation. Having your e-waste processed by a reputable recycling company serves as a safety harness for your business.
Check the Pedigree
When choosing an electronics recycling company, ask about their RIOS and R2v3 certification status. These designations are the highest in the industry for data protection and environmental safety best practices. When you work with certified e-waste recycling company, you can be sure your company’s electronics disposal plan is best in show. High standards for shredding and degaussing ensures that your data permanently eliminated. Processed materials are carefully sorted for responsible recycling.
Stay Out of The Pound
Depending on which industry you’re in, the way you store, transmit and dispose of data may be closely regulated. Working with a reputable electronics recycling company affords you the peace of mind that your organization is in compliance with standards set forth by HIPAA, Gramm Leach Bliley, GDPR and all other applicable legislation.
PC Survivors is Your Organization’s Best Friend
At PC Survivors we help businesses, non-profits, municipalities, government agencies and other organizations effectively manage their e-waste and stay on the right side of industry regulations. We take great pride in our RIOS and R2v3 certifications. These are kept current through extensive annual third-party inspections of our facility and practices.